What is co-browsing?

Co-browsing means you share a browser tab with a meeting participant(s), where both you and the meeting participant(s) can control what happens in the shared browser tab.


How do you start co-browsing in a Vectera meeting room?

Starting a co-browse session is possible in Google Chrome. If another participant started co-browsing, you can interact with other browsers as well. Find out more about browser support here.

Co-browsing is directly available from within the meeting room. You can find it at the top on the right side:

When you click on COBROWSE for the first time, you're prompted to install Vectera's Chrome extension:

After you've installed the extension, you can return to the Vectera meeting room. You'll see the pop-up has been updated as you've installed the Chrome extension:

You only have to perform the steps above once.

As soon as this is done, you can select the screen you want to co-browse on and choose whether you want to share audio:

How do you use co-browsing?

Now that your co-browsing is all set up, go ahead and share a tab with your participants.

You'll see that you'll remain in the Vectera meeting room. As you're sharing control of your browser with the participants, a notification will pop up. As an example, I've shared a Youtube video:

Now the big difference between screen share and co-browsing: you can control the tab in the meeting room itself - and the same goes for your participants!

This means you can together fill out a form, navigate through new software or even make exercises. It all depends on your use case - but co-browsing has you covered!

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