How to cancel a meeting?

It's always great when a guest books a meeting, but sometimes the timing is just not perfect. Therefore, it's very convenient that you or the guest can cancel meetings. But how do you do this in Vectera?


How to cancel a meeting?

When a guest books a meeting you will notice that the meeting will appear on your dashboard, will be displayed in your meeting overview and that you and the guest will receive a confirmation email. The meeting can be canceled in those 3 locations.

Dashboard - host

In the dashboard, you will see the first 5 upcoming meetings. If you want to cancel a meeting, click on the 'Cancel' button on the right side of the meeting information box.


Once you've clicked on Cancel, a pop-up will appear which gives you the option to send or not to send a cancellation email. Click on one of the options and the meeting will be canceled or click on 'Don't cancel' if you don't want to cancel the meeting.



Meetings overview - host

On the meetings overview page, you'll see a similar meeting information box as on the dashboard. Hover over the box and a bin icon will appear. Click on the bin icon to cancel the meeting.



Once you've clicked on the bin icon, a pop-up will appear which gives you the option to send or to not send a cancellation email. Click on one of the options and the meeting will be canceled or click on 'Don't cancel' if you don't want to cancel the meeting.


The team admin can choose to make meetings of other team members (in)visible for non-admin team members. Go to the Team settings and check the box to make other team members' meetings visible for non-admin team members. If this box is unchecked, non-admin team members will only see their own meetings.



Via mail - guest 

As guests don't have access to the Vectera dashboard, they only have the ability to cancel the meeting from the confirmation or reminder email.

Activate guest cancellation in the meeting type

If you have created the meeting type after July 2024 this setting will be activated automatically. If you have created it before or during July 2024, you will need to activate it manually in the advanced settings of your meeting type.

Cancel or reschedule link in guest mail

In the confirmation mail of the booked guest, they will see an option at the bottom of the mail to Cancel or reschedule the meeting.

When clicking the link they will see an overview with the option to cancel or reschedule.

If they click on Cancel meeting and confirm, the meeting will be canceled and you will receive a cancellation email.

If they click on Reschedule meeting, guests will be forwarded to the booking page of the meeting and they will be able to book a new meeting. The original meeting will be canceled automatically.

Cancellation email template

If you choose to cancel the meeting and send a cancellation email to inform the guest that the meeting is canceled, the text in the email will be according to what you've set up. It can either be a default email or a custom email. You can also set up a cancellation email for additional invitees.


If you want to customize the email templates of the meeting type, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Scheduling page and click on the 'Edit' button of the meeting type that you want to change.

  2. Scroll down to the Powerful extensions and open the Customize email templates part.
    image (1701).png

  3. Click on 'Customer cancellation email' and edit the template. Make sure that the {details} tag is in the text box as it is required!

  4. Click on 'Additional invitee cancellation email' and edit the template.

  5. Hit 'Save'


Tip: use Markdown to style the text, this help article will guide you.

Vectera is looking forward to your feedback so we can offer you the best scheduling and customer meeting experience. Set up your next customer meeting right away by logging into your account or sign-up for a free, fully-featured trial of Vectera!

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