Vectera offers meeting rooms and booking pages in several languages. You can find out which languages in this help article. But how do you change the language?
General information
Vectera will automatically select the language of your meeting rooms and booking page. For Vectera users this is based on previous changes (eg. changing the language on your own booking page) or on your browser language.
Your guests will see meeting rooms and booking pages in the language of their browser language (if available, otherwise in English). Nevertheless, it's possible to change the language manually.
Meeting rooms
To change the language of your meeting rooms, you just need to go to one of your meeting rooms. In the top right corner, you click on your profile image or name initials, select the top choice (eg. Set Language) and click on the language of your preference.
Note: the above image was taken at a moment when only English and Dutch (=Nederlands) were available.
Guests will first have to fill in a name and click on continue before being able to change the language. The initial language for guests is based on their browser language.
Booking page
To change the language on a booking page, you go to the booking page or to one specific appointment type. On the right side, you will see the current language. Click on the dropdown menu and select the language of your preference.
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