Guide: Manage and authenticate users

Generate, manage and authenticate users in your team with the API.

Generating new users with the API will add them automatically to your team.


Check our API reference for all the endpoints and parameters that you can use for requests.


Look up the organizationId of your organization

First, authenticate using the token. You must use a request header for the authentication.

Before you add new team members to your organization, it's important to find out the organizationId of your organization. Send a GET request to




*note: for this help article we used a test account which is not in use anymore! 


Create a new user for your team

1. create a non-admin team member

To create a new user for your team you need to authorize with the API token of a team admin. Only team admins will be able to add new team members. To add a new user to your team you will have to do a POST request to `/api/v2/users/`

Add the following content in the body:

"firstName": string,
"email": string,
"organizationId": uuid string

These 3 fields are required! You can also add "lastName": string but this is optional.



after creating the user it will look like this:



In the example above, Steve won't have a password. Steve will have to reset the password or you can send Steve a login token (instructions below).

But it's also possible to add a password field when doing the POST request. In the image below, it's shown how to create a password when generating a new user. The password for Lionel will be TESTpassword1.




2. Create a non-admin team member that is managed


If you want a team member that is fully managed by you, you can add additional information to the code. Being managed means that they can't change their personal info of their own profile. Add "isManaged": true



A managed user, like Peter in this example, can't log in with a password reset. He will need a login token.


Create a login token for a user

If you don't want team members to log in from the dashboard, you can create a login token that logs them in automatically. Do a POST request to `/api/v/users/{id}/loginTokens/` with an empty body.

If we want to create a login token for Peter from the example above it will look like this:


The URL shown in the return can be used to log in without a password. Simply forward the user to this URL, and they will be authenticated.

!Important! This login URL can be used only once within one minute to authenticate a user without requiring any further user input.


Forward the user to a specific page

If desired, you can append a parameter to the login URL to forward the user to that URL after authenticating. You can for example add the parameter &next=/scheduling/ to let the user open or &next=/room/{organization}/{meeting-key}/ to open a specific meeting room.


You can find {organization} in your branding & team settings as your team name, spaces need to be hyphens in the link (team name = team-name). The {meeting-key} of an existing meeting room can be found on your meeting rooms page.

Example: If I want the user from the above example to log in with a login token and forward him to a specific meeting room (eg. /room/team-name/meeting-room-1), I will need the following link:

Note: this meeting room is an example and doesn't exist.


Login token for a logged-in user

If a user is already logged in to Vectera and they open the link with the login token they will be:

  1. logged out from their account,

  2. logged in with the account from the login token and

  3. (optional) forwarded to the &next=... page.

Next step: find out how to generate meeting rooms for your team!

Other API information

Connecting and authenticating with Vectera

Guide: Integrating the booking app

Guide: Generate meeting rooms

Guide: How to create/add templates for your meeting rooms via API?

Guide: Filter and sort results

API Reference

Vectera is looking forward to your feedback so we can offer you the best scheduling and customer meeting experience. Set up your next customer meeting right away by logging into your account or sign-up for a free, fully-featured trial of Vectera!


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