Setting up CNAME custom domain

In this article, you can read how to create your own CNAME domain for your meeting rooms and booking pages. This allows you to replace the name Vectera in the URL with your own domain. So becomes


It only requires one technical step: you need to know where to find your DNS settings. 


The setup is simple:

  1. Make sure traffic going to points to Vectera (without people noticing it) using a CNAME record. Takes less than 1 minute.

  2. Add the custom domain in your team settings. Takes 5 seconds for anyone. 

1. Direct meeting traffic from your domain to Vectera

  • Go to your DNS settings from your DNS / hosting provider.

  • We recommend adding a CNAME record "meet" that points to 


Make sure NOT to proxy and use DNS only if applicable. 


Note: It takes time for DNS changes to propagate through the entire internet. If you are adding a new CNAME record, this usually only takes a few minutes. If you are editing an existing record, the duration depends on the configured Time To Live (TTL) If you have to set TTL manually, it is best to choose a low amount of seconds (eg. 3600).


All done!


2. Set up the custom URL in the Vectera portal


2.1 Add the custom domain in your team settings

In order to let Vectera know what should happen when Vectera receives traffic from your domain, set up your Custom meeting room domain in "Customization" in your Vectera account.


The security certificate will automatically be generated for you by Vectera.


Hit Save and you're all done!


2.2 Extra possibilities for your custom domain

As soon as you've saved the custom domain, you will notice 2 extra possibilities in the branding & team settings: Custom domain redirect URL & Custom HTML head block.


Custom domain redirect URL:

The meeting rooms will now look like Essentially, there is a page which is empty.


To prevent that users will visit the empty page you can set up a redirect to eg. your own website.


Custom HTML head block:

The custom HTML head block can be used to add information in the Head section of your meeting rooms and booking pages.


The main reason to use this field is to track data in Google analytics.


3. Have a look at your meeting rooms and booking pages

What you will notice immediately is that meeting URLs on the dashboard and your public booking URL now automatically start with Existing meeting rooms and booking pages will be redirected to that custom URL. 


Bonus: want to integrate your public booking pages into your own website, but not on a standalone page? You can embed your booking pages using an iframe.


4. Custom domain and third-party cookies!

When you set up a custom domain, the cookies of will become third-party cookies. It's important that those are not blocked or that you add Vectera as an exception!


Don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have suggestions or need help.

Vectera is looking forward to your feedback so we can offer you the best scheduling and customer meeting experience. Set up your next customer meeting right away by logging into your account or sign-up for a free, fully-featured trial of Vectera!


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